Sunday, September 04, 2005


Religion is an essential part of life for all people. You can say no, but whatever you believe - that is your religion.
Personally, I don't like how religion can dictate a person's life. If you accept it, fine...but don't impose your views on anyone else. My family isn't just of one faith - we're everything. Maybe not jewish...but I'm sure you understand what I mean.

In this world where wars are fought in the name of religion, it's clear to see that it really isn't religion but the people themselves who stray from their beliefs. Instead they choose to disect and splice together their beliefs into the original faith to wash away their guilt.
Suicide bombers in the middle east...they call them martyrs. A martyr is defined as someone who suffers for their beliefs, refusing to turn their back on their religious principles. So why do we call murderers martyrs? What they do is not for the society, it's done for their gain. But i guess greed is okay if you're a martyr... or maybe it's okay then to kill innocent people to gain power. I don't know, I'm not a martyr - atleast i'm not like them.
They all say they are killing in the name of their God, but in the Koran, as well as the bible it is stated that if one kills themself they will go straight to hell.
For all their ranting that religion is everything to them, they are quick to turn a blind eye to the teachings that don't suit them.
That's a blatant double standard, one that should not exist. It just allows chaos to roam free.
And if individuals should do stupid things, does it mean that all of the poeple in that group will be the same? I think not. For anyone who believes that all terrorists are muslims, and therefore muslims are bad.. what planet do you live on?
Terrorists are everywhere...when the oklahoma bombing happened, did the rest of the world shun all americans? that same way, all muslims are not bad.

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