Friday, January 23, 2009


Writing is my way to get through different things whether they're good or bad...regardless of an audience, writing just helps soothe me. That's who I am.
Music is good too and some people can relate to what writing can mean for some, with the way a song can make them forget everything and just feel at ease in a moment.

Granted, it seems like my mind has been stuck a place that I still cannot understand to this day, writing will hopefully be the process that gets me through it.

That's what's on my mind today...not getting past things because I think i've done that...what I need to do is let it go instead of holding on to the past.

Sounds easy if I'm willing to let go right? But ask yourself this question...if the past makes us who we are today, can we really forget things in the past that have brought us to this moment in life - without altering the good person we've come to be?

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