Sunday, September 10, 2006

not that sorry

If you know me, you know my family and my friends mean everything to me! friends right now, i love them :D

I'm usually telling ppl that karma's gonna get them...yeah well karma's gonna get me and i know it will, just don't know when and/or how but i know it's coming LoL. this isn't usually how i am...but on this one occasion mannnn there was NO other way around it LoL

see...the other day I was supposed to go chill with a friend. I haven't been treating him well, been cancelling on him all the time and just not being nice but I couldn't be bothered because i've been, other friends and it's been hectic - yeah those are excuses but whatever.

See, the thing is for friendship to work there has to be some kinda common an understanding of the other person or something i dunno. I did feel bad, but I know that chillin with him is just gonna give him ideas he does not need to get. it would be soo diff. if he understood my take on things but he wants what I DONT...even so i'm nice to ppl soo i told him yea we could chill soo he took some time off work the other day and guess what i did??
I cancelled :| tell me you didn't see that coming? lol..

Heyyy I didn't make him take time off for me and I had good reason for cancelling too...
the nite before i had a dream, in this dream I was getting married --- to him :S wtf?!? hell no that was never gonna happen soo as soon as morning cleared i cancelled.

yeah yeah...i know, it's me vs. karma and the odds aren't good but i'll deal with it....if you had that dream you'd take your chances with karma too LOL.

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