Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I don't fight...i'ma good girl but really, this is getting outta hand. there's one person and only one person I would say I am gonna fight and its this girl who had the audacity to cuss at ME in a club...for no reason at all (except that she's not me and never will be). THEN she decides to come chill outside my house ...talk to MY brother like wtf , you can't do that...there are rules in war yo. LoL... serious though, i walked outside and my brother tells me 'guess who's here?' with this devious look on his face. As soon as this girl sees me...she takes off like what? act all big and can't even say hello? Now that's just rude...i'm sure your MOM didn''t raise you like that. Yes, that's right, i said something about your mom what now? LoL.. I swear it's all b-town's fault i'm turning into who I am.

Dont get me wrong, i love btown, i'm not gangsta and I do not resort to violence like it would seem...lol u know, gotta let the truth be known.

1 comment:

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