Wednesday, April 26, 2006

secrets ...

atleast that's what i heard on seventh heaven the other nite...yes, that's right 7th Heaven. LoL...apparantly if you keep secrets, they can make you sick. That's what the mom told her little twin sons. Now I dunno if it's true or it was just to make them tell her what they knew...but can't take any chances right?

soo three secrets that i can't keep anymore....

1) Im really not too fond of ppl at church...the ones that try and preach to me how they think things should be.

2) I know what I want but just don't know how to get it. Then I think about everything and wonder is that really what i want? So i guess Im still at a point where i dont' wanna settle when there's so much more.

3) It takes time for me to trust someone..if i don't know them i can't bring myself to commit to them...and even tho i don't believe time should state how well you can know someone, i think you should take time before taking any kind of big step... sry Avin, but that was soo unexpected and really, it just wasn't right.

yeah soooo the whole thing about secrets making you sick...i dunno but it's not soo bad to let them go.

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