Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It's like a force of nature...takes over and that's it.
I'm so angry right now and the trigger was something so stupid. I'm angry that I reacted so quickly and that a few words could make me feel so obsolete. It might be more hurt than anger...yet it's the anger that's consuming me.

ANGER...it's funny how my mom's name starts with those first 3 letters lol. I'm implying nothing, just stating the obvious about the letter placement :)

That was a fake text smiley face. Yes, fake because I'm so angry right now I'm not really feeling smiley. I only added it so that if by chance my mother comes across this rambling, I can get myself out of trouble and say 'see, the smiley face means it's a joke' and hope for the best lol.

Ok, I'm done...for now.

p.s. I'm back in the blogosphere..whatever. I'm back, I'm not back...world still turns lol.

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