Aristotle once said that "happiness belongs to the self-sufficient."
Take it how you want to but for me that means that only you can make yourself happy. Don't get me wrong, there may be people in your life that bring joy each and everyday you're with them BUT if you weren't making the choice to appreciate them and what they mean to you, you would not recognize the happiness they bring to your life.
Take it how you want to but for me that means that only you can make yourself happy. Don't get me wrong, there may be people in your life that bring joy each and everyday you're with them BUT if you weren't making the choice to appreciate them and what they mean to you, you would not recognize the happiness they bring to your life.
With that said, I decided that I would try to start being more appreciative of little things....
I found this picture on google images, and can't help thinking although it's sweet, those puppies are probably thinking 'Oh HELL no!'
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