Really whoever invented that friggin gingerbread house-biulding activity set had to be on some kinda crack, lol. After HOURS at the mall, I was sooooooo tired - just wanted to come home and relax but noooooooooooo had to build the damn house. WHY?? I have two little sisters and I love them so had to do it for them.
I may seem bitter in this re-telling..i probably was but they didn't know that, lol.
The stupid icing wouldn't make the gingerbread stick together! my brother and I had to hold the pieces in place forever - FOREVER until it finally wouldnt move. in the end the house looked decent. but after it all, we were all satisfied with how it turned out, and christmas eve turned out to be a good nite. and just in case u were wondering ... yes - milk and cookies were left out for SANTA, LOL.

Destroying the house must have been wicked fun tho! I would have pretended to be a giant who uses human bones to make my bread. You get to eat the house right?
oo yeah, we definitely got to eat the house. BUT after all the hard work, we felt soo sorry to destroy it, soo we just broke off the roof and ate the candies :D
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