I turned 21 on the 4th of October :D That day wasn't really a big deal, and i didn't really do anything but last saturday I had a party at my house with my family and some friends to celebrate this landmark age, lol.
Since the beginning of September I was fasting (no meat, no alcohol), soo when I finally got to break it there was nooo turning back, lol.
That night was all put together by my parents and random aunts and cousins...they know I love them, lol. I was sooo stubborn for the week leading up to the party - i knew I could take advantage of turning 21 and i did, lol. I made sure that I stated I would NOT be running around doing anything on saturday in preparation for the party...yes, i know that wasn't nice. Once saturday came, I felt guilty and I decided to run around like a crazy person trying to get last minute things in the nick of time. I was at the lcbo at 7pm when the party was supposed to be starting at 8!! I was sooo stressed AND i couldn't find my ID when i was there...not good. Then I had to pick up my own cake : the girl in the fortinos bakery looked at me with this sympathetic look...or maybe it was just annoyance because I was an hour late to pick it up...who knows??
After all of that, things were all good. The party went off without any "brown-anigans" (no petty fighting or anything stupid happening), lol.
I had a funtastic time because really I had some amazing friends there with me. I love my family, but without my friends I would go crazy :D

There's a saying that goes "friends will take you but not bring you back" ..west indian parents like to tell their kids that to teach them not to be a follow-er lol and to make their own choices because it means that friends can lead you into something but can't get you out, or something like that.
That doesn't apply to my friends though...atleast I don't believe it does, I trust them.

To everyone who was here that nite, esp. Sofiea, Tim, Vicki, Tony, Ryan, Kyster, Amit, Adrian, Claudia and Anant... thank you for the memories.
ooo and I will admit i was sooo tipsyyy but i was NOT drunk LOL.
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