This is what new technology can do for you. It can't really help us invent new ways to make the lines on the road but it can make new, prettier kinds of gold! Even though you need to go to third world countries, buy poor families children and put them to work mining the's all good because it's worth it when you can make it purple, lol.
Yes, I own gold. I also love my rings and I will probably buy some purple gold one day. I won't sell any children I might ever have though. This is very confusing - I don't know why I am angry now. Maybe it's because the gold is purple. I don't really like purple tooo much, I would prefer if it was magenta or even mauve, but it had to just be plain old purple...i am so disappointed, lol.
I would sell my children for gold. Actually, I would probably even sell my children for silver. Even aluminium, copper, or tin would be worth the sale. Hmmmmm... this has opened a whole new children for metals door for me.
well atleast now you know your options...
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