Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Life is a Process

Looking through this old blog, posts make me smile as the memories of each day come rushing back into my mind.
I've started a new blog, too: - check it out :)It's a different style but still a look into my world.

Blogger helps me look back and see how much I've changed. Even from a communicative point of view - the way I chose to write online, the words I used, abbreviations, text-speak - I love the fact that I have a record that allows me to revisit who I used to be and that I can know that the things I went through made me who I am today.

Live and learn :)

ps. I slept in today, didn't remember that I had the day off. Have you ever felt your heart race a million miles a minute, knowing you're in your own room, but still wondering if you've woken up in the torture chamber you see in those SAW movies?! Thinking to yourself "where am I?? What day is it?? WHY did I only JUST wake up nowwww??"
LOL yeah. that happened when I opened my eyes and realized it was well after 10am 0_o