I love cricket...I've been playing this game all my life! I swear everytime there's a family bbq in a park or whatever, we'll play one big game of cricket, lol. Everytime one of the girls goes up to bat, we'll keep saying bowl again or that wasn't fair until we hit it just far enough for the boys to say we did good :D
We've had some good times playing cricket...some memorable times. One time, we were in Niagara falls in this park we always seem to find and another family started to play cricket and they were trying to show off so my uncle went over to them, and asked them to join. That family, being somewhat civilized said "of course", they were from Pakistan..they started to play really hard and my uncle tried his best to look like a retard holding the bat, LOL. After a couple misses, they started to laugh at him and they were saying how they would teach him to play just like Pakistan taught the West Indies a lesson in their match....when they said that, my uncle with his saddistic intentions from the start started to hit for six with every damn ball that they bowled him. Let's just say the Pakistani's weren't too thrilled with being hustled and just stopped the game, and left speaking loudly in their language to each other while giving us all dirty looks. It was all good though, my uncle had a good laugh from it soo could't complain.
Can't forget the time my cousins and I played cricket in their front yard and dented the aluminum front window coverings on their neighbour's house...that man could run! lol we only just made it in the house before we heard him yelling bout his damn window and somebody damaging it, lol...the worst part is we left the cricket bats in the driveway and just ran heheh, such a bait out.
soooooooooo yeah...the real reason i'm thinking about cricket??
Ramnaresh Sarwan is in Canada - toronto, btown, scarb. he's here...
I'm not even gonna lie..he's the ONLY guyanese man i'll give up sleep for :)
LoL... honestly Sarwan has TALENT. Watching him play is worth it. He has skills, and when he's in his zone, i can't describe it. That's how good he is. I saw him play in the 20/20 match and although I wanted Trinidad to win, I couldn't deny that he had skills, and I knew Guyana would fight til the end.
NOW, here's the thing, my uncle Danny plays cricket on the weekends and later on today Sarwan's playing for one of the teams...he's helping them out so that they don't get kicked outta the league.
Soo with that in mind, i asked my uncle if I could go watch him play cricket this wknd, LOL. He saw right through it and asked what i want to go for..
Ummm he fully knows I wanna meet Sarwan.... lol, he didn't tell me but he already called his friends on the other teams and talked to them about. He set it up, but he likes to bug me sooo i know even when we're driving there he's still gonna be askin why I wanna go see the game.....and he knows it's all for Sarwan, lol.
I just hope that it doesn't rain cuz cricket and rain just don't mix and rain and long hair...the list just goes on and on.
arite, well seeing as these games tend to start early...i dunno what these men are thinking 7am?? wtf who wants to wake up then ? until evening time?? i mean yeah i dont mind watching the game ..or the ppl :D BUT still it's a long time!

I love cricket...LoL