I don't understand why people just can't be more compassionate..it always comes back to individual gratification. As long as the individual is okay, then why should anything else matter? I do not like that attitude....it limits what we can achieve. Take for example the situation in America right now, Hurricane Katrina has left the States struggling to repair the damages left in her wake. People are dying and hope is fading at such a fast pace.
On tv, we see poor, mainly black people looking like they are clueless and scared. Some are angry and they are turning on each other. I've tried to understand why, but honestly if I lived in the most powerful country, and I was left to die like that....I don't think I would take it well.
FOUR days without any food or water....it makes you think that nobody cares. It's as if they're trying to wash away the economical faults of the country, raise the poverty line.
But that couldn't be the case, because:
1) The government is sending aid now - yes, it really has been four days.
2) Even though there are rumours that they want to open the floodgates, drowning the remaining citizens as they flood the city -- there are no "gates". There ARE Levees...if one was to be left broken because the army can't fit the sandbags to the choppers properly, or if another one was to break and uncontrollable water was to enter the city, then perhaps the people might die.
3) There is only so much that can be done at a time. There was a warning to evacuate, and even though they did not have the means by which to leave, the stranded ppl should have known better, right?
4) Government says that the city will be fixed....it's gonna take years but i'm sure the residents can just live in the relief camps all that time.
with these things to consider, how can you even start to think that the US doesn't want to save those people? It just takes a long time for them to help their own, colour has nothing to do with anything - even though when they sent buses for the people at the superdome, they had to wait until the guests from the hotel next door were sent on first. It didn't matter that the guests from the hotel were clean, wearing good clothes and had all their things, they had to be first.
On a fundraising show, Kanye West had some harsh words for the President. He was quoted saying the pres. "doesn't care about black ppl...america is set up to help the poor, the black, the less well off as slow as possible."
He also stated "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food...they've given them permission to go down and shoot us."
People are dying, and that should not be the case in a country as powerful as the USA. If the government is taking it's time to respond, then why not come together...instead of segregating themselves further? They should understand they are trapped and must survive - together.